Tuesday, September 27, 2011

family togetherness

there are alot of cute little sayings that promote family togetherness, " the family that plays togther stays together" and "the family that prays together stays together". i think these are both true. God, husband, family is the order in which it goes.
we love being together as a family. we love running errands together, taking walks together, even going to appointments together (dentist, doctor etc.) and one thing i have learned by doing this with all the kids is that it has taught them how to behave in all situations. of course the little ones still get curious and pull an occasional fire alarm, but its something that comes with the territory! and if looked at positively it creates a teachable moment :)
one of the things i love so much about homeschooling is the closeness it has created within our family.
i know this is not a very popular concept in our modern society, but who ever knew me to be "normal" :) it is so important to have your childrens hearts.
enjoy your children today!

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