Wednesday, September 7, 2011


adoption was always something i thought was "neat" or would be "cool" to do. as a child i thought i would have some kids and then adopt some kids. not really understanding the meaning behind adoption and how God was the inventor of adoption. how as believers we are adopted into Gods kingdom.
well, life got busy and the house started filling up with kids. in the back of my mind i always thought ill have kids as long as i can then maybe start adopting. i never thought i would have 9 biological kids! after having a very easy time with most of my pregnancies and deliveries i never really thought i would be "done". i thought well im just made for having babies and i will probably have 20. when we decided to let God have control of our family size i never imagined He would say we were done having them biologically. but when number 9 came along and my body just about quit on me we thought God must be closing that door. after several doctors told us i would probably die if i had anymore children we thought that was confirmation. there are days ( many) that i am full of regrets for not continuing to have children. but then there are days i look at my children and think about how much they need me here.
when hubby said that word adoption i was filled with so much hope. not only do we believe that all children are a blessing and deserve a loving home but we know that being parents is our calling. that our house is not "full". that we said we would let God control the size of our family that meant he knows no boundries and could use adoption to do that!
how many children are too many? i dont believe theres such a thing. and i am well aware that there are millions of orphans in the world and that we wont change that number by adopting 1, 2 , 3 or more children but we can change those children. we will show them what a loving home is, what family is, what unconditional love is, and who Christ is.
so how did this journey begin. well my heart was ready a year and half ago. but that was not the right timing. although hubby was very sure he wanted to pursue adoption he was not quite ready yet. when josiah turned one we started doing some research. over this last summer we have really researched. we have gotten in touch with a placing agency and a home study agency. we have also joined an orphan care ministry and soaked up as much wisdom from veteran adoptive parents as we can!
some days it seems we are going in slow motion but i know its Gods timing, not ours. i know that the process can snowball very quickly once it gets going and we want to make sure we are prepared when it does.
some things we have done....we have applied to a placing agency and have been aproved to adopt through their ghana program. some things we are doing....we are fundraising and taking donations. we are saving our money. we are really close to turning our home study application in. i look foward to blogging through the process. i hope through my blogging i can give a face to adoption and encourage other people in their journeys. i know God has put so many people in our life to encourage us. its amazing the poeple i have met on this journey...and we have only begun!
if you feel led to donate to our adoption you can go to the donate button on the side of my page. but most of all please join us in praying!!!! praying for the process to run smooth, praying for Gods perfect timing, and praying for the children waiting to be adopted.

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