deuteronomy 6:6-7 " and these words which i command you today shall be in your heart. you shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up."
ephesians 6:4 " and you, fathers , do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord."
proverbs 6:20 " my son, keep your fathers command and, and do not forsake the law of your mother."
wow! i think the bible has alot to say about families. and more importantly the bible has alot to say about mothers and father teaching their children Gods word. and these are just a few verses. there are many more that speak of fathers teaching their children. and the terms in these verses seem serious to me.
can we teach our children about Gods word too much? no, deuteronomy 6 says to teach them diligently! you shall teach them when you sit, when you walk, when you lie down, and rise up. i think this covers the whole day. Gods word should be so normal in your home. we want it to be normal for them to go to Gods word for every area of their lives.
a great way to go about this is to get on a regular family worship schedule. our family struggled in this area for quite awhile. by the grace of God we have gotten down a good routine. and as you grow in Gods word you will be amazed at how much your desire grows for more. we started by implementing a bed time bible study routine. but then we were convicted that we were not doing it as a whole family so we added a before dinner routine. we started out by daddy reading a passage of scripture each night before dinner. and it has grown from there. we added a study of the westminster shorter catechism. this is a great way to teach the children why they believe what they believe. the children love it. they look foward to it each night.
because there is so much to learn from Gods word i wanted to bring more of it into our daily routine. the proverbs are so full of wisdom for every aspect of life. now we read one proverb each morning before breakfast.
proverbs 1:7 " the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." when i read this word i was convicted to start our school day off with Gods word. i didnt feel right jumping into a day of school without putting Gods word first. this is the time of day that i give the children a memory verse and commit to memorizing it. this sounds like alot in one day but like i said before once you make Gods word a priority in your home you will crave more! matthew 6:33 " but seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and these things shall be added to you." this verse reminds me that when i put His word first instead of squeezing it in at the end of the day IF im not too tired He will be faithful to help me to have time for all the other things i "need" to get done.
i know this model will not work the same for everyone. but its just an encouragement for someone that maybe has not made family worship a priority to start.