Wednesday, October 26, 2011

baking days

now that i have gotten back into the groove of making many things homemade i am hoping to have 1 day a week set aside to prepare food for the upcoming week. we did this last sunday and it was great! we made 6 loaves of bread and roasted almonds. it is nice to have things prepared and not have to worry about trying to fit it in during our hectic week. as i get better at it i hope to add more items to the agenda. things like cookies, croutons, "bisquick" mix, breads, chocolate almonds and roasted almonds. i am already seeing the fruit of this labor! not only is it already saving us money but its bonding us as a family when we work like this together and its giving us the reward of eating the labor of our own hands. the whole family is enjoying this!


  1. Fantastic! One of these days I hope to get it all together well enough to prepare some things ahead like that also. Maybe when the twins are a little older! I still have issues with finding pans big enough to fix enough to feed us all for ONE meal though, let alone enough to have leftovers to feed us all at least one MORE time. Wow. But, you have an extra kid or two than I do. So, I'm now officially stalking you. :D Thought I should let you know.

  2. haha!! awesome!!! well i used to do this many years ago. but stopped when i had my 9th baby. i am just now starting again and hes almost 2. so it does take time to let those little ones grow up and become more self sufficient.
