i have not blogged in a couple of weeks. i guess i had a blank. so i decided to make a bogging schedule. this way i already have an outline of what i am going to write about each day. so this is how it goes:
monday: encouragement for moms
tuesdays: encouraging our husbands
wednesdays: homeschooling encouragement
thursdays: recipes
fridays: adoption updates
saturdays: family updates
so since today is monday i wanted to write about encouraging moms. and today i want to encourage moms and dads to pray for their children. this is something i need to work on in my own prayer life as well. some things i want to focus on when i pray for my children are :
1. most of all their salvation
2. if they have already made a proclomation of faith then pray for their walk with God. it must be so hard at their age to tune out the world and focus on their walk with God.
3. i like to pray for my childrens friends. for my children to choose wisely who they spend time with and also for their friends walk with God.
4. even if your children are not interested in the opposite sex yet i think its so important to start very early praying for their future spouse. pray they will choose a godly husband or wife. to not show interest in and unbelieving partner. pray for their spouse as well. even though you do not know them. pray for their salvation and their walk with God.
5. this leads me to pray for their purities. purity in all areas of their life. their minds actions, conduct, hearts. yesterday we read phillipians 4:8 with the children yesterday. "finally bretheran whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue and if there be any praise, think on these things." then we asked the children how we could apply this to our own lives they responded with " the things we read, the things we watch on tv, the things we do on the computer, the music we listen, the conversations we have."
we should ask our children how they are doing and if there is anything they would like us to pray about for them. i think thats encouraging to them. maybe keep a journal and write their rayer requests in it. ask them about these things and update your prayer journal with praise reports!